Yokosuka Souvenir Shop, Soleil Hill

Fresh vegetables directly from local farmers, local processed marine products directly from the fishing port. A large selection of snacks and goods packaged in Soleil Hill packages, including Yokosuka Navy Curry Retort, as well as toys for outdoor use. There is also an amusement area. You can enjoy soft ice cream with your children.


Business Hours

March - November

Weekdays 10:00-17:00

Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 9:00-18:00

December - February




Price range ¥500 - ¥1,000

Contact Us



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  • Status of park operations

    Today (7/26), the penguin exhibit in Animal Village will close at 16:00.

  • About the Hands-on Workshop

    Due to group use, the following dates and times will be closed.

    Cooking Experience Workshop
    July 26 (Fri.)
    10:00- Making sunflower melon bread
    11:30 - Making mixed pizza with colorful vegetables
    13:30- Making animal melon bread

    8/24 (Sat.)
    10:00- Making sunflower melon bread
    11:30 - Making mixed pizza with colorful vegetables

  • About Large Athletic Facilities

    We will be closed on Monday, August 19 from 10:00 to 13:00 for group use.