The park is dotted here and there with places where visitors can enjoy the changing scenery and expressions of the four seasons.
Find your own special place in the slow flow of time.

Click here for information on the best time to visit.

1. nanohana Canola Flower

Location: Garden West

Fuji in the background on clear days.

Click here for map

2. narcissus Narcissus

Location: Wind Garden / Lawn Sled / Behind Animal

Lawn sleds and animal backs are blooming well.

Click here for map

3. fusa acacia Mimosa

Also known as mimosa
Fluffy yellow flowers.

Click here for map

4. alyssum Alyssum

It has a light, sweet aroma.

Click here for map

best time to see

Oshima cherry (Garden East) Early April ~.

Nemophila (Garden East) Mid-April~

Lupinus (Garden West) Late April

RELATED FACILITYList of related facilities

  • Status of park operations

    【3/7(金)の運営状況】 強風のためジップライン・カナディアンカヌー・レトロボート・観覧車・フロッグホッパー・メリーゴーランド・ダイバーシューター・スーパースインガーを休止いたします。       【疾風怒濤の鉄人舞台(大型アスレチック)について】 ・3/7(金)は団体様貸切に伴い、一般の方のご利用は13:00よりご利用いただけます。  
  • Notice of suspension of hands-on workshops

    Due to group use, the hands-on workshop will be suspended during the following period. Cooking Experience Workshop