soleil train

The departure station for the train is the lawn area past the entrance gate. Passing by the Jabujabu Pond, you will be greeted by a spectacular view of Sagami Bay. The train makes regular rounds of the park.


Business Hours

March-November 10:00-16:00
Dec-Feb 10:00-15:30


350 Yen (one time)/4 years old and up

Advance Tickets

 Normal Ticket

Age Range

all ages

Cautions and Requests

Preschool children (under 6 years old) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (for a fee).
Wheelchairs and baby carriages can be loaded on board, but not with wheelchairs or baby carriages.
Please note that the service may be suspended due to events, etc.
The event may be canceled due to weather conditions.

SHARE this facility

Status of park operations

  • Use of Playground Equipment

    *Soleil Pirates will not be available on Monday, April 22 and Tuesday, April 23 due to maintenance.
    Please understand this in advance.

    *Today (4/19) Air Jumper will be closed.
    Zipline is suspended due to strong winds.