The Little Iron Man

A new athletic activity that even small children can enjoy is now available! We are looking for a challenge for the little challengers!


Business Hours

Weekdays 9:45-16:30 (last admission at 15:20)
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 9:45-17:00 (last admission at 15:50)

10:00-16:30 (last admission at 15:20)


1,200 yen per lap

Height and weight restrictions

Height 70 cm to 130 cm

Weight 60 kg or less

Advance Tickets

Cautions and Requests

Only available for people who are between 70 cm and 130 cm in height and weigh 60 kg or less.

Parental signature on the consent form is required for use.
After filling out the consent form, please come to the reception desk.
The event may be canceled due to weather conditions.
It would be helpful if you could download and fill out the consent form in advance.
Please wear clothes that are easy to move around in.
Skirts, scarves, neck warmers, gloves, and hats are not allowed (pants are not available for rent).
Please remove any headgear or items you are wearing (hats, catsuits, hair bands, hair clips, hairpins, etc.) in advance.
Please wear comfortable shoes.
Sandals, crocs, high heels, thick soles, boots, and shoes with no heels are not permitted (shoes are not available for rent).

Click here for consent form


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  • Status of park operations

    Today (9/7)

    Zipline has reached its maximum number of tickets sold and is no longer available.
    Archery is suspended for maintenance.
    *Chibi Archery is open for business.

  • About the opening of the hands-on workshop

    The following are the dates of suspension of the Cooking and Craft Experience Workshop due to group use.

    Click here to see the schedule