2025.01.19 SUN

  • PLAY

🏁🦖Tyrannosaurus Race in Soleil Hill🏁🦖.

Update : 2025.01.16


※2:当日参加受付は、なくなり次第終了・撤収となります。なお、受付場所が時間により異なりますThe following is a list of the most common problems with the
〇ティラノサウルススーツをお持ちでない場合は現地で購入が可能です。1着¥5,200(幼獣・成獣同額)※数に限りがございます。また、単三電池は別売りThe first two are the following.
当日参加の方のタイムテーブルは、受付後は予約参加の方と同じとなりますThe following is a list of the most common problems with the





  • Status of park operations

    Playground equipment suspended on 1/15(Wed.)

    (due to strong winds), Trampoline, Zipline, Archery, Ferris Wheel, Frog Hopper, Diver Shooter, Merry-Go-Round, Super Swinger, and Soleil Train will be suspended.


    Playground equipment closed on weekdays only.
    Canadian Canoe
    Retro Boat


  • Partial Closure of Nombirapa on Saturday, January 18

    Due to preparations for the Citizens' Ekiden (relay race) to be held on January 19 (Sun.), we will close part of the Nombi Harappa on January 18 (Sat.) for preparations.

  • Notice of the "Sea and Sunset Baths" Hot Spring Facility Closed

    Thursday, January 23
    Thursday, February 6
    Feb. 19 (Wed.)
    Thursday, February 20
    Thursday, March 6

    Fureai Support Ticket (for some residents of Yokosuka)" users can use the following tickets every Wednesday.
    Bathing will be free of charge.
    The one (1) time off for the February 19 (Wed.) maintenance day will be made available on other days of the week. The expiration date will be the end of March 2025.

  • Notice of Dog Event on January 25 (Sat.) and 26 (Sun.), 2025

    A DOG event will be held on January 25 (Sat.) and 26 (Sun.), 2025, throughout the park.

    We expect many visitors with their dogs to be in the park on the day of the event, so we ask that those who are not comfortable with dogs consider coming to the event.

    We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your understanding and cooperation.

    This two-day event is designed for those who do not own a dog to enjoy together.

    We look forward to seeing you at the park.

    For more information